Eden Tantric London

Our Services

Popular and in-demand


Erotic Massage

Calling upon our extensive experience in the realm of indulgence, we proudly present London’s premier experience in relaxation and exhilaration. Our bespoke Erotic Massage in London seamlessly integrates time-honored Swedish massage methods with a sensuous, full-body technique. This fusion not only aims to soothe and spoil your senses but also promises an awakening of pleasure that is balanced with complete relaxation. Tailored to create an atmosphere of joy and tranquility, our massage therapy caters to your desire for both peace and excitement.

body to body massage

Nuru Massage

Experience a touch of bliss with one of our most sought-after special treatments, the Nuru Massage, offered right here in London. This unique form of therapy goes beyond the traditional Body to Body Massage, turning every session into a journey of heightened sensations. The secret lies in the use of a special botanical gel, favored over conventional massage oils, to ensure a luxuriously smooth experience. As your skilled therapist employs her body in an enchanting dance of relaxation, expect to be pampered from head to toe in a harmonious glide that caters to your need for genuine connection and profound pleasure. Our Nuru Massage is designed for those seeking an extraordinary escape into the world of sensuality and peace.


4 Hands

Experience unparalleled relaxation with our luxurious dual massage therapist experience. Designed to transcend the conventional, this exceptional treatment features the synchronized expertise of two highly skilled therapists working in harmony to melt away your stress and tension. As they glide over each contour of your body with flawless coordination, you’ll find yourself immersed in a state of blissful serenity, unable to distinguish the seamless fluidity of one touch from another. Perfect for those seeking an extraordinary escape from the mundane, this unique massage experience promises to engage your senses and revitalize your wellbeing.

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Experience a fusion of ancient Eastern traditions and contemporary Western techniques with our distinctive Tantric Massage therapy. Immerse yourself in a journey of relaxation where the art of tantra intersects with sumptuous body glides, all under the attentive supervision of our skilled therapists. Treat your body and mind to a session of indulgence, carefully tailored to meet your individual needs for tranquility and rejuvenation.


Body To Body

One of our most popular services is the Body To Body Massage, an intimate form of therapy that’s widely celebrated across the globe. This indulgent treatment goes beyond traditional massage techniques by incorporating the art of sensual touch. As you lie back and unwind, a skilled masseuse will use their body as an instrument of relaxation, engaging in smooth, gliding motions that not only alleviate physical stress but are designed to awaken the senses. This unique experience combines the therapeutic benefits of a full-body massage with an element of sensuality, aiming to soothe tight muscles while simultaneously inviting you on a tantalizing journey that stimulates your body and mind. It’s an immersive session meant to cater to those looking to indulge in a moment of relaxation, all within the comforting ambience of a professional setting.



At Eden Tantric London, we recognize the importance of a harmonious connection particularly when selecting a couples massage in London. To ensure a resonant experience, our directory features only those masseuses who are genuinely enthusiastic about providing services to both male and female clients. A couples massage at our establishment is a journey towards exploring and heightening intimate sensuality and pleasure with your significant other. Guided by our adept tantric professionals, you and your partner will be led towards experiencing synchronized peaks of arousal, deepening your bond through this exquisite therapy.

about eden tantric London


Embark on a journey of soothing relaxation with a refined full body massage designed to ease tension and usher you into a tranquil state of mind. The massage features gentle, yet invigorating glides over your body, contributing to an overall sense of well-being. As stress dissolves, the experience intensifies with the subtle art of body-to-body contact, heightening your sensory enjoyment. The techniques used aim to prolong the delightful sensations, ensuring a deeply satisfying experience that resonates with your pursuit of serene indulgence.




Our vision is to nurture and elevate women’s wellness by offering the transformative experience of tantric massage. This ancient art form is not just about physical pleasure; it encompasses a journey to profound spiritual and emotional fulfillment, unlocking new realms of pleasure for those who embrace it.

For those new to this practice, our skilled therapists are dedicated to providing a comfortable and enlightening experience. You will be led with care through a voyage of awakening sensations, inviting you to explore the depths of your sensuality in a respectful and dignified setting. It’s an opportunity to discover the intricacies of your desires in a safe and welcoming environment where judgment has no place.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a Tantric massage at Eden Tantric London varies depending on the type of massage, the duration, and whether it’s an incall or outcall service. Here are some base rates:

  • 1 Hour: £200 (Incall), £250 (Outcall)

  • 90 Mins: £350 (Incall),£400 (Outcall)

  • 2 Hours: £450 (Incall), £550 (Outcall)

  • Additional Hour: £200 (Incall), £250 (Outcall)

These rates are applicable for our premium therapists. Different types of massages, such as our Signature Tantric Massage, Mutual Touching Massage, Nuru Massage,Aqua Massage, etc., have specific rates, which can be found on our website. Note that there may be extra charges for Elite Masseuse (+£50) and Platinum Masseuse (+£100) due to their higher experience and additional services provided.

Experience a unique form of relaxation and rejuvenation with tantric massage in London. This ancient practice is designed to not only help you unwind and alleviate stress but also to enhance your sense of well-being through the art of gentle touch and euphoric techniques. As you delve into this tranquil experience, you will discover a heightened level of self-awareness and emotional joy, enriching your personal connection with your own senses or deepening the intimate bond with your partner.

By catering to those seeking both solace and the exploration of their sensual side, a tantric massage promises a fulfilling journey for the mind and body, leaving you invigorated and deeply satisfied.

Planning ahead is key to guaranteeing your preferred appointment for a rejuvenating tantric massage. Due to fluctuating schedules, it’s wise to reserve your session several days or ideally, a week in advance.

This proactive approach not only assures you that coveted spot in the calendar but also enables our expert masseuses to tailor the experience to your individual preferences, ensuring an exceptional and memorable encounter. Reach out to us now and let Eden Tantric London lead you on an exquisite path to tranquility and pleasure.

Tantric massage is often misunderstood as being purely about sexual pleasure. However, it has a much deeper significance. Along with potentially enhancing sexual pleasure, it offers an array of holistic benefits:

  • Emotional Healing: Tantric massage can help release deep-seated pain and trauma, promoting emotional well-being.

  • Building Intimacy and Trust: The practice involves a significant degree of vulnerability and openness, which can help build greater intimacy and trust between partners.

  • Promoting Self-Awareness: It encourages individuals to become more aware of their bodies, energy, and feelings.

  • Stress Relief: Like any other form of massage, it helps reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Remember, the primary aim of tantric massage is not the pursuit of orgasm but rather the nurturing of a profound, intimate connection between partners.

Exploring the world of tantric massage might be the key to deepening the bond with your significant other. This ancient practice is centered around the concept of not just physical pleasure, but also the emotional and spiritual connection that can be cultivated between partners.

By engaging in this mindful experience, couples can foster a sense of respect, attentiveness to each other’s needs, and a shared emotional journey. These elements are fundamental in nurturing a fulfilling and enriched relationship. Tantric massage is a beautiful way to explore new dimensions of intimacy, making each moment together more meaningful.

Tantric massage can provide a range of mental health benefits:

  • Stress Reduction: The deeply relaxing techniques used in tantric massage can help reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol levels, the body’s main stress hormone.

  • Mental Clarity: By promoting relaxation and mindfulness, tantric massage helps to clear the mind of clutter and distraction, potentially enhancing focus and decision-making abilities.

  • Emotional Healing: The nurturing, intimate nature of tantric massage may help to heal emotional wounds by promoting a sense of comfort and acceptance.

  • Improves Sleep Quality: The relaxation achieved during a tantric massage can often lead to better sleep, which is crucial for overall mental health.

  • Anxiety Reduction: Tantric massage aims to balance the body’s energy flow, which can help to alleviate feelings of anxiety or unease.

  • Enhanced Self-esteem and Body Image: Tantric massage involves honouring the body as a temple. This can boost self-esteem and promote a positive body image.

Remember, while tantric massage can complement mental health care, it shouldn’t replace professional medical advice or therapy.

Yes, you and your partner can enjoy a tantric massage together. Tantric massage is a sensual and intimate experience that promotes relaxation, pleasure, and deep connection between partners.

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