Eden Tantric London


Height 5' 5"
Experience1 Year
Breast TypeEnhanced
Body TypeSlim
1 Hour£200£250
1.5 Hours£300£350
2 Hours£400£450

Meet Eva, the enchantress of our elite tantric massage sessions

Step into a world of serenity and experience the gentle touch of an expert. In Kensington, you will find an oasis of tranquility guided by Eva, whose enchanting persona and skilled approach to tantric massage ensure a harmonious blend of relaxation and rejuvenation. Her warm, engaging nature promises not just an appointment but a journey of personal indulgence. Delight in a pampering body to body tantric massage that will beckon you back, time and time again, to discover the wonders of true calmness and contentment.

Let Eva take you on a journey of ecstasy with her Tantric Massage at Chelsea Incall

Step into a realm of tranquil luxury where your comfort is the utmost priority. Nestled in the heart of Chelsea, you’ll find a sanctuary designed to provide you with the highest level of relaxation and rejuvenation. As you enter Eva’s exquisitely appointed apartment, let the stresses of the day melt away.

Eva believes in the transformative power of touch and through her expert massage therapy, she helps ease the tension that resides in both body and mind. Her specialized techniques, combined with the serene environment, create a harmonious balance that enhances your overall sense of well-being.

Revitalization extends beyond her healing hands, as you’re invited to indulge in the amenities of a luxurious bathroom. It’s a space where every detail is tailored for your ultimate relaxation, from plush towels to an inviting ambiance, ensuring a refreshing experience throughout your visit.

With Eva’s warm and welcoming personality, you’ll feel at ease from the moment you arrive; her friendly demeanor and attentive service are just as integral to your relaxation as the massage itself. Allow yourself to be enveloped in the serenity and personal care that await you in Eva’s retreat – where every session is a step towards peace and wellbeing.

Experience the Ultimate Tantric Massage in London with Outcall Option

Escape into a world of serenity without leaving the comfort of your own space. Eva offers a tranquil outcall service that caters to the heart of Central London, ensuring you can enjoy the rejuvenating effects of tantric relaxation right where you are—be it a personal residence or a hotel suite. Experience the convenience of a timely, private session with Eva, where the only task you have is to recline and allow her expert touch to guide you through a blissful journey of relaxation.

Elevate your senses with Eva's erotic body-to-body tantric massage

Indulge in the epitome of relaxation with our signature body-to-body massage, a therapy designed to awaken your senses while simultaneously promoting deep calm. Our expert therapist, with a mastery of the art of touch, will guide you through an immersive experience that balances stimulation with tranquility. Each moment is crafted to ensure that every inch of you is gently caressed, allowing you to unwind in the most luxurious way imaginable. For those seeking an even more indulgent escape, consider the Four-Hand Massage, where two skilled therapists work in harmony, enveloping you in a cocoon of serenity. Allow yourself to be pampered and rejuvenated as you surrender to the expert hands of our devoted therapists.

Schedule your erotic massage session with Eva today

Contact our Eden Tantric Customer Concierge to organize a luxurious and sensual encounter with Eva. Feel free to call, text, or message us on WhatsApp. We are excited to bring your massage desires to life. Please check our Twitter.