Eden Tantric London


Height 5' 5"
Experience5 Years
Breast TypeEnhanced
Body TypeSlim
1 Hour£200£250
1.5 Hours£300£350
2 Hours£400£450

Introducing Chloe, our high-class tantric massage specialist

Step into a world of exquisite pleasure and healing with Chloe, a consummate tantric masseuse based in the opulent Mayfair locale. Brimming with intelligence and warmth, her inviting personality will transform your massage experience into an unforgettable journey of the senses. Cater to the urges of self-care and luxurious relaxation with a body-to-body massage that is pure indulgence. You’ll find yourself eagerly planning your next visit, captivated by the blissful tranquility and personal touch that she provides. Treat yourself—because you deserve an escape into the cradle of lavish pampering.

Surrender yourself to the enchanting allure of Chloe's Mayfair Incall Tantric Massage

Step into a haven of tranquility and indulge in a sensorial massage experience like no other with Chloe, your expert masseuse. Nestled in the upscale neighborhood of Mayfair, her elegant apartment beckons you to unwind and rejuvenate. Immerse yourself in the lavishness of a beautifully crafted bathroom that creates an enchanting atmosphere, perfect for unwinding and finding inner peace. Her warm and friendly nature ensures that every moment is imbued with comfort and personalized attention. Prepare to be pampered in an ambiance that’s designed with your ultimate relaxation in mind.

London's finest tantric outcall massage experience

Looking for the ultimate relaxation experience without ever leaving the comfort of your own surroundings? Understanding the necessity for comfort intertwined with extravagance is something she grasps. That’s why she’s proud to offer her exclusive outcall service, delivering the serene art of tantric relaxation straight to your doorstep. 

Whether you are nestled in the heart of your Central London home or lounging in a plush hotel room, She ensures a seamless and timely arrival. Imagine slipping into a state of bliss as her expert hands work their magic, allowing you to unwind and savor every moment of this exquisite personal pampering. Embrace the opportunity to bask in tranquility where the buzz of the city fades into the background, and all that’s left is you, enveloped in soothing serenity!

Discover the art of seduction with Chloe's sensual body-to-body tantric massage

Indulge in the epitome of relaxation and sensual delight with our signature therapy, the luxurious body to body tantric massage. Allow her exceptional skills and stunning physique to guide you through a realm of heightened sensations, balancing the thrill of arousal with the serenity of relaxation. Every contour of your being will be tenderly awakened and soothed under her expert touch.

And for those seeking the ultimate indulgence, we present the exquisite Four Hand Massage. Join Chloe and another one of our skilled masseuses for an experience that promises twice the pleasure and double the tranquility, leaving you profoundly reinvigorated in both body and spirit.

Schedule Your Tantric Massage Experience with Chloe

Connect with our Eden Tantric Customer Concierge and allow us to curate a mesmerizing encounter with the captivating Chloe. Whether you opt to call, text, or message us on WhatsApp, we eagerly anticipate transforming your massage desires into an intoxicating reality. Please check our Twitter.