Eden Tantric London


Height 5' 6"
Experience4 Years
Breast TypeEnhanced
Body TypeSlim
1 Hour£200£250
1.5 Hours£300£350
2 Hours£400£450

Celine, the sensual tantric massage specialist

Elevate your wellness experience with the soothing touch of Celine, a skilled masseuse specializing in the art of tantric massage. Situated in the serene area of Westminster, she combines her in-depth knowledge and charming personality to provide not only a massage but a truly personalized therapeutic encounter. Engage your senses and unwind under the care of a friendly professional who understands the importance of creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. Treat yourself to a body-to-body session that promises relaxation and a desire to revisit for another tranquil escape.

Experience the ultimate pleasure with Celine in Westminster Incall Tantric Massage

Experience the ultimate relaxation within the comforts of Celine’s private Westminster retreat. Celine’s expert massage services are designed to provide an unparalleled sense of relief and well-being. With the ambiance of a well-curated bathroom, you are guaranteed a tranquil environment that aids in unwinding your senses. Her’s warm and hospitable approach ensures a comforting experience that caters to your relaxation needs and promotes a sense of total ease. Bring balance to your body and mind in a setting that’s crafted for your comfort and serenity.

Outcall Massage Services in London specializing in Tantric techniques

For those seeking to effortlessly engage in a soothing escape within the comfort of their own space, her exceptional outcall service is the perfect solution. Savvy Central London dwellers and visitors alike can now relish in the luxury of a professional tantric relaxation experience delivered straight to their door. With a commitment to discretion and timely arrival, she ensures that all you are required to do is recline and submerge in the tranquility of her expert ministrations. Give yourself the gift of relaxation and let the serene journey of touch elevate your well-being.

Discover pure bliss as her skilled hands guide you through a mesmerizing Sensual Body To Body Tantric Massage

Indulge in the epitome of relaxation with our unparalleled body to body tantric massage, the crown jewel offered by our skilled therapist. This signature session promises a symphony of sensory pleasures, expertly balancing stimulation with tranquility. Feel the stress and tension melt away as her remarkable skill and physical grace bring about a profound state of serenity. Alternatively, elevate your well-being experience by choosing our exclusive Four Hand Massage. This luxurious treat involves Celine and one of our talented masseuses working in harmony to double your relaxation, ensuring a truly unmatched massage encounter tailored to your desires.

Secure your appointment for a Tantric Massage experience with Celine

Reach out to our Eden Tantric Customer Concierge to schedule a perfect sensual meeting with Celine. You can contact us via call, text, or WhatsApp. We are eager to fulfill your massage fantasies. Please check our Facebook.